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Gini Law & Friends

906 Cocktail and Cigar Lounge 906 GARRISON AVENUE, Fort Smith, AR, United States

Piano and String Trio

Larry B. with Hazel

906 Cocktail and Cigar Lounge 906 GARRISON AVENUE, Fort Smith, AR, United States

The Larry B Show, one of his most sought out duo shows, speaks for itself! Larry B's strong vocals take your mind back to old skool jams and can dive right […]

Event Series Wanda Watson

Wanda Watson

906 Cocktail and Cigar Lounge 906 GARRISON AVENUE, Fort Smith, AR, United States

Wanda Watson “The best of two worlds…the rawness of a natural born blues singer with a colorful past and the polish of a maturing talent…delivers every time”.   Ronnie Bravo, […]

Two Bullets

906 Cocktail and Cigar Lounge 906 GARRISON AVENUE, Fort Smith, AR, United States
Event Series Truck Stop Poets

Truck Stop Poets

906 Cocktail and Cigar Lounge 906 GARRISON AVENUE, Fort Smith, AR, United States

The Truck Stop Poets, five members strong, are an original hard driving soul food band from the River Valley in Western Arkansas. The Poets, borrowing from their influences of old […]

Pearson Brothers

906 Cocktail and Cigar Lounge 906 GARRISON AVENUE, Fort Smith, AR, United States
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