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Event Series Unknown Causes

Unknown Causes

906 Cocktail and Cigar Lounge 906 GARRISON AVENUE, Fort Smith, AR, United States

The Unknown Causes is a high energy cover band specializing in classic rock hits, pop, blues and country/southern rock. They are focused on playing popular, fun songs that encourage the […]

Event Series Truck Stop Poets

Truck Stop Poets

906 Cocktail and Cigar Lounge 906 GARRISON AVENUE, Fort Smith, AR, United States

The Truck Stop Poets, five members strong, are an original hard driving soul food band from the River Valley in Western Arkansas. The Poets, borrowing from their influences of old […]

Mike Lenzini

906 Cocktail and Cigar Lounge 906 GARRISON AVENUE, Fort Smith, AR, United States

Event Series Even Keel

Even Keel

906 Cocktail and Cigar Lounge 906 GARRISON AVENUE, Fort Smith, AR, United States

Founded in 2019, Even Keel Beach Band specializes in island escapism. The band performs hit covers from artists such as Jimmy Buffett, Zac Brown, Alan Jackson, The Beach Boys, Jack Johnson, and […]

Event Series Flash


906 Cocktail and Cigar Lounge 906 GARRISON AVENUE, Fort Smith, AR, United States

Hi, my name is Bill Flaspohler, German from the bottom of the barrel. It is pronounced flas-pole-er. Most think it’s Flashpoler, so we go with "FLASH". My momma still calls […]

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